- Chronicles of Darkness 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness 4-Page Interactive Sheet [10-Dot Version]
- Chronicles of Darkness 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness 4-Page Interactive Sheet [10-Dot Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness 1-Page Interactive Sheet with Social and Mental Combat Stats
- Chronicles of Darkness 2-Page Interactive Sheet with Social and Mental Combat Stats
- Chronicles of Darkness 4-Page Interactive Sheet with Social and Mental Combat Stats
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- Chronicles of Darkness Ephemeral Beings 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness Ephemeral Beings 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness Horrors 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness Brief Nightmares 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Clue Card (Single)
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Clue Cards [layout design by wyrdhamster]
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Violence Groups Sheet [layout design by wyrdhamster]
- Chronicles of Darkness NPC Half-Page Interactive Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness NPC 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness NPC 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness Catch-All NPC 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Can be used to make NPC for most supernatural types]
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Breaking Points Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Breaking Points Sheet [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Notes Sheet
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Notes Sheet [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Blank Page
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Blank Page [Version 2: with God-Machine Border]
- Chronicles of Darkness Interactive Combat and Equipment Sheet
Fragile Innocence (by Erica Mahoney)
- Fragile Innocence 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Fragile Innocence 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Click Here to buy Fragile Innocence by Erica Mahoney
- Innocents 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Innocents 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Innocents 2 Page Interactive Supernatural Sheet
[Sheet for creating an Innocents character with Supernatural stats.]
- Innocents 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Innocents 4 Page Interactive Supernatural Sheet
[Sheet for creating an Innocents character with Supernatural stats.]
- Immortals 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[For creating generic Immortals]
- Immortals: Blood Bathers 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Blood Bathers 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Blood Bathers 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Body Thief 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Body Thief 1 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2, Regular NWoD layout]
- Immortals: Body Thief 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Body Thief 2 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2, Regular NWoD layout]
- Immortals: Body Thief 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Body Thief 4 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2, Regular NWoD layout]
- Immortals: The Purified 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: The Purified 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: The Purified 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Familials (by Chris Falco)
- Familials 2 Page Interactive Sheet
Click Here to buy Chronicles of Darkness: Familials by Chris Falco
Neolithic Age Chronicles of Darkness
- Neolithic Age Chronicles of Darkness 2-Page Interactive Sheet [A Catch-All sheet for a custom game]
Victorian Age Chronicles of Darkness
- Victorian Age Chronicles of Darkness 2-Page Interactive Sheet
Dark Eras
- Dark Eras 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras: Mage the Awakening: To The Strongest 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Mage the Awakening: To The Strongest 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Hunter the Vigil: Falllen Blossoms 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Hunter the Vigil: Falllen Blossoms 4-Page Interactive Sheet [With Cherry Blossom Border]
Dark Eras: Companion
- Dark Eras Companion 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras Companion 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras Companion 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras Companion 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras Companion 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras Companion 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras Companion 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras: Vampire 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Vampire 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras: Werewolf 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Werewolf: Wolf-Blooded 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Mage 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Mage 4-Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2: For the Mages of Africa]
- Dark Eras: Promethean 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Promethean 4-Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2: With Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras: Promethean 4-Page Interactive Sheet[Version 3: With Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras: Changeling 4-Page Interactive Sheet[With Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
Mirrors: Dark Antiquity
- Dark Antiquity 2-Page Interactive Sheet[Color Version]
- Dark Antiquity 2-Page Interactive Sheet[Grayscale Version]
- Dark Antiquity 5-Page Interactive Sheet[Color Version]
- Dark Antiquity 5-Page Interactive Sheet[Grayscale Version]
Click Here to buy Mirros: Dark Antiquity by Sebastian Freeman
World of Future Darkness (2nd ED)
- NWoFD: Mortal 2nd ED 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- NWoFD: Vampire 2nd ED 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- NWoFD: Werewolf 2nd ED 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- NWoFD: Mage 2nd ED 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- NWoFD: Mage 2nd ED 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- NWoFD: Arch-Mage 2nd ED 4-Page Interactive Sheet
The God-Machine Chronicles
- God-Machine 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- God-Machine 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- God-Machine 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- God-Machine 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- God-Machine 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- God-Machine 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- God-Machine Ephemeral Beings 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- God-Machine Ephemeral Beings 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- God-Machine NPC 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- God-Machine NPC 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- God-Machine Interactive Breaking Points Sheet
- God-Machine Interactive Breaking Points Sheet [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- God-Machine Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet
- God-Machine Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- God-Machine Interactive Notes Sheet
- God-Machine Interactive Notes Sheet [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- God-Machine Interactive Blank Page
- God-Machine Interactive Blank Page [Version 2: with WoD Logo]
- NWoD: Dark Ages God-Machine Interactive Sheet [With New Border created by Demon Cat]
- Chronicles of Darkness Cheat Sheet [Created by RPGGilbert]
- Chronicles of Darkness Storyteller Screen [Created by RPGGilbert]
Feel Free to email RPGGilbert at: rpggilbert@gmail.com for more information.
- God-Machine Storyteller Screen [Created by Jason "Rahod" Howe]
- Click Here for Condition Cards created by Stupid Loserman
- New World of Darkness 1 Page Sheet
- New World of Darkness 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- New World of Darkness 2 Page Sheet
- New World of Darkness 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- New World of Darkness 4 Page Sheet
- New World of Darkness 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- New World of Darkness 1 Page Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- New World of Darkness 1 Page Interactive Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- New World of Darkness 4 Page Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- New World of Darkness 4 Page Interactive Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- New World of Darkness 1 Page Interactive Sheet with Social and Mental Combat Stats
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- New World of Darkness Physical, Social and Mental Combat Interactive add-on sheet
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- New World of Darkness 3 Alone/3 Plus 1 Page Interactive Sheet
[For use with 3 Alone/3 Plus alternate character creation rules from the NWoD book Mirrors]
- New World of Darkness Supernatural 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[Sheet for creating a character with Supernatural stats.]
- New World of Darkness Supernatural 2 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2]
[This versions includes a blank at the top, which when clicked allows you to select a graphic for the title.]
- New World of Darkness Supernatural 2 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 3]
[This versions includes check boxes for Rote Skills and the like.]
- New World of Darkness Supernatural 1 Page Interactive Sheet
[Sheet for creating a character with Supernatural stats, with extra large "Other Trats" section]
- New World of Darkness Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[A Generic NWoD sheet that enables to create any supernatural from the NWoD, or create your own.
Almost every field(including section headers) is Interactive, so titles can be changed to suit your game.]
- New World of Darkness Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2; Fully Editable]
- New World of Darkness Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3(Includes Hunter Updates); Fully Editable]
- New World of Darkness Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4(Updated for GMC rules); Fully Editable]
OWoD Layout style Versions
- New World of Darkness 1 Page Sheet
- New World of Darkness 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- New World of Darkness 2 Page Sheet
- New World of Darkness 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- New World of Darkness 4 Page Sheet
- New World of Darkness 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: All-in-One 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: All-in-One 1-Page Interactive Sheet(version 2) [With selectable skills]
- Mirrors: All-in-One 1-Page Interactive Sheet(version 3) [With selectable skills and editable titles]
[This is an all-in-one sheet designed to work with just about any option presented in WoD: Mirrors]
- Mirrors: 3 Alone/3 Plus Option, 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: 3 Alone/3 Plus Option(NPC Version), 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Motivations Option, 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Nature & Demeanor Option, 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Forbidden Lore Option, 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Conviction Option, 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Alternate Morality Option, 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Extraordinary Mortals 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Extraordinary Mortals 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Extraordinary Mortals 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Dark Heroes 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Dark Heroes 1-Page Interactive Sheet(Version 2) [With Modern skills]
- Mirrors: Fantasy Peoples 1-Page Interactive Sheet
[This sheet to detail the Fantasy Peoples of Shard 3 presented in WoD: Mirrors]
- Mirrors: Sorcerer(version 1) 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Sorcerer(version 1) 1-Page Interactive Sheet with Fantasy Skills
- Mirrors: Sorcerer(version 2) 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Sorcerer(version 2) 1-Page Interactive Sheet with Fantasy Skills
[These sheets for use with the Sorcerers option presented on page 181 of WoD: Mirrors]
- Mirrors: Sorcerer Interactive Spell Sheet
- Mirrors: Page 2 Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Pages 2-4 Interactive Sheet
[These sheets for use with any of the 1-Page sheets listed above to add on more pages]
- Mirrors: Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet
- Mirrors: Interactive Notes Sheet
Mirrors: New Shards
[These sheets for use with new Mirrors Shards. The extra pages sheets above are fully compatible.]
- Mirrors: Bleeding Edge 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Bleeding Edge Interactive Expanded Plugins Sheet
- Mirrors: Infinite Macabre: Aliens 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mirrors: Infinite Macabre: Interactive Spaceship Sheet
- Mirrors: Infinite Macabre: Aliens 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Classic World of Darkness Layout]
- Innocents 1 Page Sheet
- Innocents 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Innocents 2 Page Sheet
- Innocents 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Innocents 2 Page Interactive Supernatural Sheet
[Sheet for creating an Innocents character with Supernatural stats.]
- Innocents 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Innocents 4 Page Interactive Supernatural Sheet
[Sheet for creating an Innocents character with Supernatural stats.]
- Innocents NPC 2 Page Sheet
- Innocents NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Innocents Neighborhood Worksheet
- Innocents Interactive Neighborhood Worksheet
- Innocents Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
- Innocents 1 Page Interactive Sheet [Chronicles of Darkness Update]
- Innocents 2 Page Interactive Sheet [Chronicles of Darkness Update]
- Innocents 2 Page Interactive Supernatural Sheet [Chronicles of Darkness Update]
[Sheet for creating an Innocents character with Supernatural stats.]
- Innocents 4 Page Interactive Sheet [Chronicles of Darkness Update]
- Innocents 4 Page Interactive Supernatural Sheet [Chronicles of Darkness Update]
[Sheet for creating an Innocents character with Supernatural stats.]
Fragile Innocence (by Erica Mahoney)
- Fragile Innocence 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Fragile Innocence 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Click Here to buy Fragile Innocence by Erica Mahoney
- Antagonist Sheet
- Interactive Antagonist Sheet
- Antagonist Sheet (Version 2; with skills and attributes listed)
- Interactive Antagonist Sheet (Version 2; with skills and attributes listed)
Ghost Stories
- Ghost Sheet
- Interactive Ghost Sheet
- Ghost Sheet for the NWoD (Old Version)
- Interactive NWoD Ghost Sheet (Old Version)
Second Sight
- Second Sight: Psychic 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: Psychic 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: Psychic 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: Thaumaturge 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: Thaumaturge 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: Thaumaturge 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: Cultist 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: Cultist 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: Cultist 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight: The Thing That Should Not Be 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Second Sight NPC 2 Page Sheet
- Second Sight NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Familiar Sheet
- Interactive Familiar Sheet
- Second Sight Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet, and Extra Merits Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
Tales from the 13th Precinct
- 13th Precinct 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- 13th Precinct 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- 13th Precinct 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- 13th Precinct Supernatural 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[Sheet for creating a character with Supernatural stats.]
- 13th Precinct NPC 2 Page Sheet
- 13th Precinct NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- FTA Bench Warrant [WW Original]
- FTA Bench Warrant [Rebuilt Version]
- Interactive FTA Bench Warrant [Rebuilt Version]
- 13th Precinct Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet, and Extra Merits Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
- Skinchangers 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Skinchangers 1 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: Antagonists Style]
- Skinchangers 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Skinchangers 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Skinchangers NPC 2 Page Sheet
- Skinchangers NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Skinchangers Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet, and Extra Merits Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
- Asylum 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Asylum 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Asylum 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Asylum Supernatural 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[Sheet for creating a character with Supernatural stats.]
- Asylum NPC 2 Page Sheet
- Asylum NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Asylum: BishopsGate Patient Description Interactive Sheet
- Asylum: BishopsGate Blank Information Interactive Sheet
- Asylum: BishopsGate Patient Folder Interactive 2 Page
- Asylum: BishopsGate Blank Folder Interactive 2 page
- Asylum: BishopsGate Patient Intake Form, Interactive
- Asylum: BishopsGate Patient Discharge Notice, Interactive
- Asylum: Blank Patient Description Interactive Sheet [To add your own Hospital Info]
- Asylum: Blank Patient Folder Interactive 2 Page [To add your own Hospital Info]
- Asylum: Blank Patient Intake Form, Interactive [To add your own Hospital Info]
- Asylum: Blank Patient Discharge Notice, Interactive [To add your own Hospital Info]
- Asylum Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
Changing Breeds
- Changing Breeds 2 Page Sheet
- Changing Breeds 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Changing Breeds 2 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2, with Alternate Form Art(by Krieg)]
- Changing Breeds 4 Page Sheet
- Changing Breeds 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Changing Breeds 4 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2, with Alternate Form Art(by Krieg)]
- Changing Breeds NPC 2 Page Sheet
- Changing Breeds NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Changing Breeds Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet, and Extra Merits Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
- Changing Breeds:The Wild West 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Changing Breeds:The Wild West 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Midnight Roads
- Midnight Roads 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Midnight Roads 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Midnight Roads 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Midnight Roads Supernatural 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[Sheet for creating a character with Supernatural stats.]
- Midnight Roads NPC 2 Page Sheet
- Midnight Roads NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Midnight Roads Vehicle Sheet
- Midnight Roads Interactive Vehicle Sheet
[For detaling a special Vehicle]
- Midnight Roads Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
Dogs of War
- Dogs of War 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Dogs of War 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Dogs of War 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Dogs of War Supernatural 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[Sheet for creating a character with Supernatural stats.]
- Dogs of War NPC 2 Page Sheet
- Dogs of War NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Dogs of War Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
- Inferno 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno 2 Page Supernatural Interactive Sheet
[For creating Possessed Supernaturals]
- Inferno: Indebted 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno: Indebted Supernatural 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno: L'Enfants Diabolique 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno: L'Enfants Diabolique 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno: Demon (Low Rank) Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for detailing Low Rank Demons]
- Inferno: Demon (Low Rank) Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for detailing Low Rank Demons, updated for 2nd ED]
- Inferno: Demon (High Rank) Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for detailing High Rank Demons]
- Inferno: Demon (High Rank) Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for detailing High Rank Demons, updated for 2nd ED]
- Inferno: Empyrean 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno: Empyrean 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno: Empyrean 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Inferno: Familiar Interactive Sheet
- Interactive Expanded Vestments Sheet
- Inferno Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
- Slasher 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Slasher 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Slasher 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Slasher Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Endowments, Expanded Tactics, Expanded Merit Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
- Immortals 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[For creating generic Immortals]
- Immortals: Blood Bathers 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Blood Bathers 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Blood Bathers 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Blood Bathers Bathing Ritual Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Body Thief 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Body Thief 1 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2, Regular NWoD layout]
- Immortals: Body Thief 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Body Thief 2 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2, Regular NWoD layout]
- Immortals: Body Thief 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Body Thief 4 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2, Regular NWoD layout]
- Immortals: Body Thief Society Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: The Purified 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: The Purified 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: The Purified 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: The Purified 2nd ED 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: The Purified 2nd ED 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: The Purified 2nd ED 4 Page Interactive Sheet
[2nd Ed sheets for use with the rules presented Here. 2nd ed rules by Kaye and callishka]
- Immortals: The Purified Expanded Siddhi Interactive Sheet
- Immortals: Familiar Interactive Sheet
- Immortals Add-on Sheet Package
[Package Includes an Expanded Merit Sheet and a Notes Sheet]
Damnation City
- Damnation City: District Sheet
- Damnation City: Interactive District Sheet
- Damnation City: Site Sheet
- Damnation City: Interactive Site Sheet
- Damnation City: Attitude and Ambience Sheet
- Damnation City: Interactive Attitude and Ambience Sheet
- Damnation City: Hot Pursuit Chart [Interactive]
- Damnation City: Hot Pursuit Detail Sheet
- Damnation City: Interactive Hot Pursuit Detail Sheet
World of Darkness: The Wild West
- NWoD: The Wild West 1 Page Sheet
- NWoD: The Wild West 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- NWoD: The Wild West 4 Page Sheet
- NWoD: The Wild West 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Victorian Age Darkness
- Victorian Age Darkness 1 Page Interactive Sheet
World of Darkness: Dark Ages
- NWoD: Dark Ages 1 Page Interactive Sheet [With New Border created by Demon Cat]
[Be Sure to check out Demon Cat's web site at: http://flamingporcupine.net/ ]
- NWoD: Dark Ages Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet [With New Border created by Demon Cat]
[A Generic NWoD: Dark Ages sheet that enables to create any supernatural from the NWoD, or create your own.]
- NWoD: Dark Ages Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2] [With New Border created by Demon Cat]
[This version has type in skills so you can add new skills as needed]
- NWoD: Dark Ages Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3] [With New Border created by Demon Cat]
[This version has type in skills and includes check boxes for rote skills]
- NWoD: Dark Ages GMC Interactive Sheet [With New Border created by Demon Cat]
[For use with the God-Machine Chronicles Rules Update]
Older Versions
[My preferred versions are above, but I'll leave these listed for those who wish to use them]
- NWoD: Dark Ages 1 Page Sheet
- NWoD: Dark Ages 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- NWoD: Dark Ages 4 Page Sheet
- NWoD: Dark Ages 4 Page Interactive Sheet
World of Darkness: Rome
- World of Darkness: Rome 1 Page Sheet
- World of Darkness: Rome 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- World of Darkness: Rome 4 Page Sheet
- World of Darkness: Rome 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- World of Darkness: Rome Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[A Generic NWoD: Rome sheet that enables to create any supernatural from the NWoD, or create your own.
Almost every field(including section headers) is Interactive, so titles can be changed to suit your game.]
- World of Darkness: Rome Generic 2 Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2[
[Version 2; includes check boxes for rote skills]
- "Extras" Sheet for the NWoD (A Sheet to recond Minor NPC's on)
- Interactive NWoD "Extras" Sheet (A Sheet to recond Minor NPC's on)
- NPC 2 Page Sheet for the NWoD
- NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet for the NWoD
- 3 Alone/3 Plus NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet for the NWoD
[For use with 3 Alone/3 Plus alternate character creation rules from the NWoD book Mirrors]
- New World of Darkness Spirit Sheet
- New World of Darkness Interactive Spirit Sheet
- New World of Darkness: Hunter 1 Page Interactive Sheet [For Mortal Hunters]
- New World of Darkness: Hunter 2 Page Interactive Sheet [For Mortal Hunters]
- New World of Darkness: Hunter 4 Page Interactive Sheet [For Mortal Hunters]
- NWoD: World War II Sheet
[WWII era sheet for the NWoD, Made for a custom game.
If you have questions Feel Free to Email Francesco at franz AT nexusgames.com(replace AT with the @ sysmbol)]
- New World of Darkness Sheet (Plain Sheet, no borders, logos or dividers)
Tenebrous Seas
Tenebrous Seas created by Wisp.
Border and Logo created by Jason Sullivan.
- Tenebrous Seas 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Tenebrous Seas 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Tenebrous Seas 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Tenebrous Seas NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Tenebrous Seas Interactive Notes Sheet
F.E.A.R Corporation Fan Supplement
F.E.A.R Corp. created by Jason C Marshall.
Feel Free to email Jason at: walks_forever@hotmail.com for more information on Fear Corp and its supplements.
- Fear Corp. Revised Rule Book
- Fear Corp: The Foundation for Law and Home Security - Revised
- Fear Corp: Project Nova - Revised
- Fear Corp: Rival Corporations(Part One): Death - Revised
- NWoD: Fear Corp 1 Page Interactive Sheet [by MrGone]
- NWoD: Fear Corp 2 Page Interactive Sheet [by MrGone]
- NWoD: Fear Corp 4 Page Interactive Sheet [by MrGone]
Silent Hill Fan Supplement
Silent Hill Suppliment created by Aranis.
Feel Free to email Aranis at: shaydknight@yahoo.com for more information on Silent Hill
- Silent Hill Supplement
- Secrets of the Future [For Silent Hill]
Secrets of the Future written by Kevin Taylor. Feel Free to email Kevin at: operations.kt@gmail.com for more information.
- NWoD: Silent Hill 1 Page Interactive Sheet [by MrGone]
- NWoD: Silent Hill 2 Page Interactive Sheet [by MrGone]
- NWoD: Silent Hill 4 Page Interactive Sheet [by MrGone]
Supernatural Add-On Sheets
[Add-on Sheets to supliment the Mortals Sheet for those mortals that become supernaturals in-game.]
- New World of Darkness Mortal 1 Page Sheet
- New World of Darkness Mortal 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- New World of Darkness Mortal 2 Page Sheet
- New World of Darkness Mortal 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[Mortal Sheets made specifically to go with these add-on sheet. Has a blank line where Morality should be, so you can write it in for whatever supernatural you need.]
- New World of Darkness GMC Mortal 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- New World of Darkness GMC Mortal 2 Page Interactive Sheet
[Mortal sheets updated to GMC rules for use with these add-on sheets.]
- Vampire Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Vampire Add-on Sheet
- Werewolf Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Werewolf Add-on Sheet
- Mage Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Mage Add-on Sheet
- Promethean Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Promethean Add-on Sheet
- Changeling Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Changeling Add-on Sheet
- Hunter Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Hunter Add-on Sheet
- Changing Breeds Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Changing Breeds Add-on Sheet
- Inferno: Possessed Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Inferno: Possessed Add-on Sheet
- Geist Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Geist Add-on Sheet
- Mummy Add-on Sheet
- Interactive Mummy Add-on Sheet
Add-On Sheets
- Interactive Blank Page
[Can be used to write up anything you need.]
- New World of Darkness Physical, Social and Mental Combat Interactive add-on sheet
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- Antagonist Design Worksheet
[Rebuild of the sheet from the Requiem Chroniclers Guide]
- Interactive Antagonist Design Worksheet
[Rebuild of the sheet from the Requiem Chroniclers Guide]
- Expanded Merits Sheet
- Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet
- Extra Merits Sheet
- Interactive Extra Merits Sheet
- Expanded Equipment Sheet
- Interactive Expanded Equipment Sheet
- Combat Stats Sheet
[For recording Combat Stats and Initiative Order]
- Interactive Combat Stats Sheet
[For recording Combat Stats and Initiative Order]
- Health Score Sheet
[For keeping track of Health durring Combat]
- Interactive Health Score Sheet
[For keeping track of Health durring Combat]
- Combat Summary Chart
- Storyteller Info Sheet
- Interactive Storyteller Info Sheet
- New World of Darkness NPC Sheet
- New World of Darkness Notes Sheet
- Interactive NWoD Notes Sheet
- Smalltown Worksheet
- Interactive Smalltown Worksheet
- Neighborhood Worksheet
- Interactive Neighborhood Worksheet
- New World of Darkness Story Worksheet
- Interactive NWoD Story Worksheet
- New World of Darkness Storyteller Quick Reference Story Sheet 2 Page
- Interactive NWoD Storyteller Quick Reference Story Sheet 2 Page
- New World of Darkness Chronicle Summary Sheet
- Interactive NWoD Chronicle Summary Sheet
- New World of Darkness Group Chart 4 Box
- New World of Darkness Group Chart 5 Box
- New World of Darkness Special Abilities Sheet ( A Sheet to record any ability and what the roll for each level is)
- Interactive NWoD Special Abilities Sheet ( A Sheet to record any ability and what the roll for each level is)
- MET sheet for the NWoD (A rebuild of the nwod Minds Eye Theater Sheet)
- Interactive MET sheet for the NWoD
Book Lists
- New World of Darkness Book List
[Book list created by Manny] [Lists all New World of Darkness books by Game Line. Updated 8-24-2009]
- New World of Darkness Book List
[Book list created by Renfield286] [Lists all New World of Darkness books by Game Line]
- New World of Darkness Check List
[Check list created by Sayonara arigatou] [Lists all New World of Darkness books by Game Line]
- New World of Darkness Template List by Michael Makidon
[This is a list of the Major and Minor templates(and what game line they are for).]
Dark Eras: Companion
- Dark Eras Companion 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras Companion 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras Companion 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras Companion 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras Companion 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras Companion 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras Companion 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 3: with Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Dark Eras Companion 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 4: with Firearms and Drive]
- Dark Eras: Vampire 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Vampire 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: with Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras: Werewolf 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Werewolf: Wolf-Blooded 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Mage 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Mage 4-Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2: For the Mages of Africa]
- Dark Eras: Mage 4-Page Interactive Sheet[Version 3: For Darshana Cults Mages, till 1500s]
- Dark Eras: Promethean 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Eras: Promethean 4-Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2: With Archery, Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras: Promethean 4-Page Interactive Sheet[Version 3: With Firearms and Ride]
- Dark Eras: Changeling 4-Page Interactive Sheet[With Archery, Firearms, Ride and Drive]
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 2 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet [10-Dot Version]
- Vampire the Requiem 2 Page Interactive Sheet [10-Dot Version]
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet[10-Dot Version]
[Note: For Health, the dots have been removed and health is now recorded by clicking(to black out) the boxes you don't need
and then writing in the modifiers as usual. Willpower and 'Fuel' are now type in fields to record the max and remaining amounts.]
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Sheet [With New Border Design]
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design]
- Vampire the Requiem 2 Page Sheet [With New Border Design]
- Vampire the Requiem 2 Page Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design]
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Sheet [With New Border Design]
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design]
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design, 10-Dot Version]
- Vampire the Requiem 2 Page Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design, 10-Dot Version]
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design, 10-Dot Version]
[Note: For Health, the dots have been removed and health is now recorded by clicking(to black out) the boxes you don't need
and then writing in the modifiers as usual. Willpower and 'Fuel' are now type in fields to record the max and remaining amounts.]
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet [With Masquerade Fonts & Borders]
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet [With Masquerade Fonts & Borders]
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet with Social and Mental Combat Stats
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- Vampire the Requiem Physical, Social and Mental Combat Interactive add-on sheet
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- Vampire the Requiem 3 Alone/3 Plus 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 3 Alone/3 Plus 1 Page Interactive Sheet [With Social and Mental Combat stats]
[For use with the 3 Alone/3 Plus alternate character creation rules from the NWoD book Mirrors]
- Vampire the Requiem NPC 2 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem NPC 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem Antagonist Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem: Monster Garage 1 Page Sheet [For use with the Requiem Chroniclers Guide]
- Vampire the Requiem: Monster Garage 1 Page Interactive Sheet [For use with the Requiem Chroniclers Guide]
Click Here to buy the Requiem Chroniclers Guide book and help support this web site!
- Vampire the Requiem: Invite Only Party Sheet [For use with Invite Only]
- Vampire the Requiem: Invite Only Interactive Party Sheet [For use with Invite Only]
Click Here to buy the Invite Only book and help support this web site!
- Vampire the Requiem: Primacy 2 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem: Primacy 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem: Primacy 4 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem: Primacy 4 Page Interactive Sheet
[Primacy sheets are for use with the Primacy Rules presented in Damnation City]
Click Here to buy the Damnnation City book and help support this web site!
- Vampire the Requiem Las Vegas by Night 4 Page Interactive Sheet [Sheet made for KeepersBay]
[visit KeepersBay online at: http://www.keepersbay.com/ ]
OWoD Layout style Versions
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 2 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Special Version made to Michael Dracon's Specs
- Michael Dracon's 1-Page VtR Sheet
- Michael Dracon's 2nd Page for his 1-Page VtR Sheet
- Michael Dracon's 1-Page VtR Sheet With Social & Mental Combat Stats [Requested by campal2009]
VtR/VtM Hybrid Sheets
- Vampire the Masquiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Masquiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem/Vampire the Masquerade Hybrid Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem/Vampire the Masquerade Hybrid Sheet [With Masquerade Logo]
Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicles
- Blood and Smoke 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Blood and Smoke 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Blood and Smoke 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Blood and Smoke 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2, with Masquerade and Requiem]
- Blood and Smoke 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2, with Masquerade and Requiem]
- Blood and Smoke 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2, with Masquerade and Requiem]
- Blood and Smoke 4-Page Interactive Sheet [German Translation]
- Blood and Smoke 1-Page Interactive Ghouls Sheet
Blood and Smoke 1-Page Interactive Clan Sheets
- Daeva
- Gangrel
- Mekhet
- Nosferatu
- Ventrue
Blood and Smoke 2-Page Interactive Clan Sheets
- Daeva
- Gangrel
- Mekhet
- Nosferatu
- Ventrue
Blood and Smoke 4-Page Interactive Clan Sheets
- Daeva
- Gangrel
- Mekhet
- Nosferatu
- Ventrue
Reap the Whirlwind
- Reap The Whirlwind 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Reap The Whirlwind 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2, with Merits]
- Reap The Whirlwind 1-Page Interactive Sheet [With Blood & Smoke preview rules]
- Reap The Whirlwind 2-Page Interactive Sheet [With Blood & Smoke preview rules]
- Reap The Whirlwind 4-Page Interactive Sheet [With Blood & Smoke preview rules]
The Danse Macabre Sheets
Click Here to buy the Danse Macbre book and help support this web site!
- The Danse Macabre All-in-One 1-Page Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for use with nearly all the options presented in The Danse Macabre]
- The Danse Macabre Social and Mental Combat 1-Page Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for use with the Social and Mental Combat Rules]
- The Danse Macabre Atrocity 1-Page Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for use with the Atrocity Rules]
- The Danse Macabre Anchors 1-Page Interactive Sheet[Players Character Sheet]
- The Danse Macabre Anchors 1-Page Interactive Sheet[Anchors Stat Sheet]
[Sheets for use with the Hell is Other People Rules]
- The Danse Macabre Masquerade/Requiem 1-Page Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for use with the Masquerade/Requiem Rules]
- The Danse Macabre Interactive Inhumanity Sheet
[A sheet for use with the Inhumanity Rules]
- The Danse Macabre Interactive Pages 2-4 Add-on Sheets
[Extra pages to add on to any of the 1-page sheets above]
The Danse Macabre 1-Page Covenant/Conspiracy Sheets
- Brethren of the Hundred Faces
- Brides of Dracula
- Harbingers
- Holy Engineers
- Prima Invicta
- The Children of the Thorns
- The Commonwealth
- The Covenant
- The Devil's Eye
- The Mothers Army
- The Nemites
- The Society of the Accord
- The Sun-Walking Knights
The Danse Macabre 2-Page Covenant/Conspiracy Sheets
- Brethren of the Hundred Faces
- Brides of Dracula
- Harbingers
- Holy Engineers
- Prima Invicta
- The Children of the Thorns
- The Commonwealth
- The Covenant
- The Devil's Eye
- The Mothers Army
- The Nemites
- The Society of the Accord
- The Sun-Walking Knights
The Danse Macabre 4-Page Covenant/Conspiracy Sheets
- Brethren of the Hundred Faces
- Brides of Dracula
- Harbingers
- Holy Engineers
- Prima Invicta
- The Children of the Thorns
- The Commonwealth
- The Covenant
- The Devil's Eye
- The Mothers Army
- The Nemites
- The Society of the Accord
- The Sun-Walking Knights
Vampire Translation Guide Sheets
Click Here to buy the Vampire Translation Guide book and help support this web site!
[These sheets have a hybrid Requiem/Masquerade border]
- Vampire the Requiem 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 1-Page Interactive Sheet[with Masquerade Stylings]
- Vampire the Requiem 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Requiem 4-Page Interactive Sheet[with Masquerade Stylings]
- Vampire the Masquerade 1-Page Interactive Sheet [With new style interactive notes section]
- Vampire the Masquerade 1-Page Interactive Sheet [With new style interactive notes section and Requiem Stylings]
- Vampire the Masquerade 4-Page Interactive Sheet [With new style interactive notes section]
- Vampire the Masquerade 4-Page Interactive Sheet [With new style interactive notes section and Requiem Stylings]
- Vampire the Masquerade 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire the Masquerade 4-Page Interactive Sheet[with Requiem Stylings]
- V20 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- V20 1-Page Interactive Sheet [With Requiem Stylings]
- V20 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- V20 4-Page Interactive Sheet [With Requiem Stylings]
Vampire the Requiem: Damnation City
Click Here to buy the Damnnation City book and help support this web site!
- Damnation City: District Sheet
- Damnation City: Interactive District Sheet
- Damnation City: Site Sheet
- Damnation City: Interactive Site Sheet
- Damnation City: Attitude and Ambience Sheet
- Damnation City: Interactive Attitude and Ambience Sheet
- Damnation City: Hot Pursuit Chart [Interactive]
- Damnation City: Hot Pursuit Detail Sheet
- Damnation City: Interactive Hot Pursuit Detail Sheet
- Damnation City: Primacy Sheet
- Damnation City: Primacy Interactive Sheet
New Wave Requiem
Click Here to buy the New Wave Requiem book and help support this web site!
- New Wave Requiem 1-Page Sheet
- New Wave Requiem 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- New Wave Requiem 2-Page Sheet
- New Wave Requiem 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- New Wave Requiem 4-Page Sheet
- New Wave Requiem 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- New Wave Requiem 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Updated for 2nd ED]
- New Wave Requiem 2-Page Interactive Sheet [Updated for 2nd ED]
- New Wave Requiem 2-Page Interactive Sheet [2nd ED; With some Masquerade Elements for a custom game]
- New Wave Requiem 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Updated for 2nd ED]
- New Wave Requiem "Mix Tape" Cover
[Mix Tape Cover created by Craig S. Grant, Art Director for Vampire]
- New Wave Requiem Interactive Expanded Discipline Sheet
- New Wave Requiem Interactive Expanded Devotions Sheet
- New Wave Requiem Interactive Expanded Rituals Sheet
- New Wave Requiem Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet
- New Wave Requiem Interactive Notes Sheet
Night Horrors: The Wicked Dead
Click Here to buy the Night Horrors: Wicked Dead book and help support this web site!
- Night Horrors: The Wicked Dead 1-Page Sheet
- Night Horrors: The Wicked Dead 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Night Horrors: The Wicked Dead 1-Page Sheet [Version 2: Full Player Sheet]
- Night Horrors: The Wicked Dead 1-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2: Full Player Sheet]
- Night Horrors: The Wicked Dead Interactive Notes Sheet
Vampire the Requiem: Ghouls
Click Here to buy the Ghouls book and help support this web site!
- Ghouls 1 Page Sheet
- Ghouls 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Ghouls 4 Page Sheet
- Ghouls 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Ghouls NPC Sheet
- Interactive Ghouls NPC Sheet
- Ghouls 1 Page Social & Mental Combat Sheet
- Ghouls 1 Page Social & Mental Combat Interactive Sheet
[A sheet for use with the Social and Mental Combat Rules from The Danse Macabre]
1-Page Ghoul Family Interactive Sheets
- Angustri
- Crassus
- Gravenor
- The Alley Men
- The Children Of Nirriti
- The Doulosi [From Belials Brood]
4-Page Ghoul Family Interactive Sheets
- Angustri
- Crassus
- Gravenor
- The Alley Men
- The Children Of Nirriti
- The Doulosi [From Belials Brood]
Vampire the Requiem Covenant Interactive Sheets
1-Page Covenant Sheets
- Belials Brood
- The Carthian Movement
- The Circle of the Crone
- The Invictus
- The Lancea Sanctum
- The Ordo Dracul
- The Unaligned
2-Page Covenant Sheets
- Belials Brood
- The Carthian Movement
- The Circle of the Crone
- The Invictus
- The Lancea Sanctum
- The Ordo Dracul
- The Unaligned
4-Page Covenant Sheets
- Belials Brood
- The Carthian Movement
- The Circle of the Crone
- The Invictus
- The Lancea Sanctum
- The Ordo Dracul
- The Unaligned
Vampire the Requiem: VII
Click Here to buy the VII book and help support this web site!
1-Page VII Interactive Sheets
- The Akhud
- The Betrayed
- The Betrayed: House Alexander
- The Betrayed: House Grigorovich
- The Betrayed: House Irinavici
- The Betrayed: House Marisovich
- The Betrayed: House Petrovnavich
- The Betrayed: House Semeonovic
- The Sleepers
2-Page VII Interactive Sheets
- The Akhud
- The Betrayed
- The Betrayed: House Alexander
- The Betrayed: House Grigorovich
- The Betrayed: House Irinavici
- The Betrayed: House Marisovich
- The Betrayed: House Petrovnavich
- The Betrayed: House Semeonovic
- The Sleepers
4-Page VII Interactive Sheets
- The Akhud
- The Betrayed
- The Betrayed: House Alexander
- The Betrayed: House Grigorovich
- The Betrayed: House Irinavici
- The Betrayed: House Marisovich
- The Betrayed: House Petrovnavich
- The Betrayed: House Semeonovic
- The Sleepers
Ventrue: Lords Over the Damned
Click Here to buy the Venture: Lords of the Damned book and help support this web site!
- Ventrue 1-Page Sheet
- Ventrue 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Ventrue 2-Page Sheet
- Ventrue 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Ventrue 4-Page Sheet
- Ventrue 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Ventrue 4-Page Sheet [Version 2] [Special Alternate Version]
- Ventrue 4-Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2] [Special Alternate Version]
- Ventrue Primacy 2-Page Sheet
- Ventrue Primacy 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Ventrue Primacy 4-Page Sheet
- Ventrue Primacy 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Ventrue Add-on Sheet package
Daeva: Kiss of the Succubus
Click Here to buy the Daeva: Kiss of the Succubus book and help support this web site!
- Daeva 1-Page Sheet
- Daeva 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Daeva 2-Page Sheet
- Daeva 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Daeva 4-Page Sheet
- Daeva 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Daeva Add-on Sheet package
Gangrel: Savage and Macabre
Click Here to buy the Gangrel: Savage and Macabre book and help support this web site!
- Gangrel 1-Page Sheet
- Gangrel 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Gangrel 2-Page Sheet
- Gangrel 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Gangrel 4-Page Sheet
- Gangrel 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Gangrel 4-Page Interactive Sheet[Version 2] [Special Alternate Version]
- Gangrel Ghoul Interactive Sheet
- Gangrel Add-on Sheet package
Mekhet: Shadows in the Dark
Click Here to buy the Mekhet: Shadows in the Dark book and help support this web site!
- Mekhet 1-Page Sheet
- Mekhet 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mekhet 2-Page Sheet
- Mekhet 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mekhet 4-Page Sheet
- Mekhet 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mekhet Add-on Sheet package
Nosferatu: The Beast That Haunts the Blood
Click Here to buy the Nosferatu: Beast that Haunts the Blood book and help support this web site!
- Nosferatu 1-Page Sheet
- Nosferatu 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Nosferatu 2-Page Sheet
- Nosferatu 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Nosferatu 4-Page Sheet
- Nosferatu 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Nosferatu Bloodline Lygo 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Nosferatu Bloodline Lygo 1-Page Interactive Sheet[10-Dot Version]
- Nosferatu Bloodline Lygo 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Nosferatu Bloodline Lygo 2-Page Interactive Sheet[10-Dot Version]
- Nosferatu Bloodline Lygo 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Nosferatu Bloodline Lygo 4-Page Interactive Sheet[10-Dot Version]
- Nosferatu Add-on Sheet package
Vampire the Requiem Clan Interactive Sheets
1-Page Clan Sheets
- Daeva
- Gangrel
- Mekhet
- Nosferatu
- Ventrue
2-Page Clan Sheets
- Daeva
- Gangrel
- Mekhet
- Nosferatu
- Ventrue
4-Page Clan Sheets
- Daeva
- Gangrel
- Mekhet
- Nosferatu
- Ventrue
Vampire the Requiem Bloodline Interactive Sheets
1-Page Daeva Bloodline Sheets
- Anvari
- The Asnâm
- The Carnival
- Children of Judas
- Duchagne
- Gulikan
- Kallisti
- Malintzin
- Mortifiers of the Flesh
- Nelapsi
- Spina
- Toreador
- Xiao, California
- Xiao, Tianpŕn
- Zelani
- Erzsébet
2-Page Daeva Bloodline Sheets
- Anvari
- The Asnâm
- The Carnival
- Children of Judas
- Duchagne
- Gulikan
- Kallisti
- Malintzin
- Mortifiers of the Flesh
- Nelapsi
- Spina
- Toreador
- Xiao, California
- Xiao, Tianpŕn
- Zelani
- Erzsébet
4-Page Daeva Bloodline Sheets
- Anvari
- The Asnâm
- The Carnival
- Children of Judas
- Duchagne
- Gulikan
- Kallisti
- Malintzin
- Mortifiers of the Flesh
- Nelapsi
- Spina
- Toreador
- Xiao, California
- Xiao, Tianpŕn
- Zelani
- Erzsébet
1-Page Gangrel Bloodline Sheets
- Annunaku
- Barjot
- Bohagande
- Bruja
- Carnon
- Childer of the Morrigan
- Dead Wolves
- The Mara
- Moroi
- Oberlochs
- Taifa
- Vedma
2-Page Gangrel Bloodline Sheets
- Annunaku
- Barjot
- Bohagande
- Bruja
- Carnon
- Childer of the Morrigan
- Dead Wolves
- Dead Wolves [With Forms Section]
- Dead Wolves [With Forms & Totem Section]
- The Mara
- Moroi
- Oberlochs
- Taifa
- Vedma
4-Page Gangrel Bloodline Sheets
- Annunaku
- Barjot
- Bohagande
- Bruja
- Carnon
- Childer of the Morrigan
- Dead Wolves
- Dead Wolves [With Forms Section]
- Dead Wolves [With Forms & Totem Section]
- The Mara
- Moroi
- Oberlochs
- Taifa
- Vedma
1-Page Mekhet Bloodline Sheets
- Agonistes
- Alucinor
- Khaibit
- Kuufukuji
- Libitinarius
- Lynx
- Morbus
- Players
- Osites
- Qedeshah
- Sangiovanni
- Tismanu
2-Page Mekhet Bloodline Sheets
- Agonistes
- Alucinor
- Khaibit
- Kuufukuji
- Libitinarius
- Lynx
- Morbus
- Players
- Osites
- Qedeshah
- Sangiovanni
- Tismanu
4-Page Mekhet Bloodline Sheets
- Agonistes
- Alucinor
- Khaibit
- Kuufukuji
- Libitinarius
- Lynx
- Morbus
- Players
- Osites
- Qedeshah
- Sangiovanni
- Tismanu
1-Page Nosferatu Bloodline Sheets
- Azerkatil
- Baddacelli
- Burakumin
- Calacas
- Galloi
- Gethsemani
- Noctuku
- Rakshasa
- Yagnatia
2-Page Nosferatu Bloodline Sheets
- Azerkatil
- Baddacelli
- Burakumin
- Calacas
- Galloi
- Gethsemani
- Noctuku
- Rakshasa
- Yagnatia
4-Page Nosferatu Bloodline Sheets
- Azerkatil
- Baddacelli
- Burakumin
- Calacas
- Galloi
- Gethsemani
- Noctuku
- Rakshasa
- Yagnatia
1-Page Ventrue Bloodline Sheets
- Architects of the Monolith
- Bron
- Dragolescu
- Deucalion
- Gorgons
- Icarians
- Macellarius
- Malkovians
- Malocusians
- Melissidae
- Nahualli
- Rötgrafen
- Sotoha
2-Page Ventrue Bloodline Sheets
- Architects of the Monolith
- Bron
- Dragolescu
- Deucalion
- Gorgons
- Icarians
- Macellarius
- Malkovians
- Malocusians
- Melissidae
- Nahualli
- Rötgrafen
- Sotoha
4-Page Ventrue Bloodline Sheets
- Architects of the Monolith
- Bron
- Dragolescu
- Deucalion
- Gorgons
- Icarians
- Macellarius
- Malkovians
- Malocusians
- Melissidae
- Nahualli
- Rötgrafen
- Sotoha
Ancient Bloodlines Interactive Sheets
Click Here to buy the Ancient Bloodlines book and help support this web site!
1-Page Ancient Bloodlines Sheets
- Caporetti
- Brothers of Ypres
- Sta-Au
- Shepherds
- Amara Havana
- Canda Bhanu
- Apollinaire
- Les Gens Libres
- Geheim
- Septemi
- Corajoso
- Adroanzi
- Kinnaree
- Mayarap
- Mystikoi
- Order of Sir Martin
- Iltani
- En
- Usiri
- Bak-Ra
2-Page Ancient Bloodlines Sheets
- Caporetti
- Brothers of Ypres
- Sta-Au
- Shepherds
- Amara Havana
- Canda Bhanu
- Apollinaire
- Les Gens Libres
- Geheim
- Septemi
- Corajoso
- Adroanzi
- Kinnaree
- Mayarap
- Mystikoi
- Order of Sir Martin
- Iltani
- En
- Usiri
- Bak-Ra
4-Page Ancient Bloodlines Sheets
- Caporetti
- Brothers of Ypres
- Sta-Au
- Shepherds
- Amara Havana
- Canda Bhanu
- Apollinaire
- Les Gens Libres
- Geheim
- Septemi
- Corajoso
- Adroanzi
- Kinnaree
- Mayarap
- Mystikoi
- Order of Sir Martin
- Iltani
- En
- Usiri
- Bak-Ra
Belials Brood Faction & Bloodline Interactive Sheets
Click Here to buy the Belials Brood book and help support this web site!
1-Page Belials Brood Sheets
- The Nameless
- The Roaring Serpent
- The Pandaemonium
- The Mercy Seat
- The Throne of Smokeless Fire
- The Scarlet Rite
- Therion
2-Page Belials Brood Sheets
- The Nameless
- The Roaring Serpent
- The Pandaemonium
- The Mercy Seat
- The Throne of Smokeless Fire
- The Scarlet Rite
- Therion
4-Page Belials Brood Sheets
- The Nameless
- The Roaring Serpent
- The Pandaemonium
- The Mercy Seat
- The Throne of Smokeless Fire
- The Scarlet Rite
- Therion
Victorian Age Requiem
- Victorian Age Requiem 1 Page Sheet
- Victorian Age Requiem 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Victorian Age Requiem 4 Page Sheet
- Victorian Age Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Victorian Age Requiem 4 Page Interactive Sheet [With Alternate Skills]
Vampire: The Wild West
[Border by Jason Sullivan]
- Vampire: The Wild West 1 Page Sheet
- Vampire: The Wild West 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Vampire: The Wild West 4 Page Sheet
- Vampire: The Wild West 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Dark Ages: Vampire
- Dark Ages: Vampire 1 Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Ages: Vampire 4 Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Ages: Vampire 1 Page Sheet [With selectable skills]
- Dark Ages: Vampire 1 Page Interactive Sheet [With selectable skills]
- Dark Ages: Vampire 4 Page Sheet [With selectable skills]
- Dark Ages: Vampire 4 Page Interactive Sheet [With selectable skills]
Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Requiem
- MET sheet for Vampire the Requiem (A rebuild of the VtR Minds Eye Theater Sheet)
- Interactive MET sheet for Vampire the Requiem
Vampire the Requiem Add-on Sheets
- Interactive Blank Page
[Can be used to write custom Bloodlines, etc.]
- Vampire the Requiem Physical, Social and Mental Combat Interactive add-on sheet
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- Antagonist Design Worksheet [Rebuild of the sheet from the Requiem Chroniclers Guide]
- Interactive Antagonist Design Worksheet [Rebuild of the sheet from the Requiem Chroniclers Guide]
- Expanded Discipline 2 Page Sheet
- Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Covenant Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Covenant]
- VII Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each version of VII]
- Clan Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Clan]
- Bloodline Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Core Book]
- Bloodlines: The Hidden Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Hidden]
- Bloodlines: The Legendary Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Legendary]
- Bloodlines: The Chosen Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Chosen]
- Covenant Bloodline Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the various Covenant Books]
- Belials Brood Faction Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Belials Brood Faction]
- Ancient Bloodlines Branded Expanded Discipline 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Ancient Bloodlines]
- Expanded Devotions 2 Page Sheet
- Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Covenant Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Covenant]
- VII Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each version of VII]
- Clan Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Clan]
- Bloodline Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Core Book]
- Bloodline: The Hidden Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Hidden]
- Bloodline: The Legendary Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Legendary]
- Bloodline: The Chosen Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Chosen]
- Covenant Bloodline Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the various Covenant Books]
- Belials Brood Faction Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Belials Brood Faction]
- Ancient Bloodlines Branded Expanded Devotions 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Ancient Bloodlines]
- Expanded Rituals 2 Page Sheet
- Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Expanded Rituals 2 Page Sheet [Version 2, has 8 per page]
- Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheet [Version 2, has 8 per page]
- Expanded Rituals Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design]
- Expanded Improvised/Theme Rituals Interactive Sheet
- Expanded Threnody Rituals Interactive Sheet
[For use with Blood sorcery: Sacraments & Blasphemies]
- Expanded Improvised/Theme Rituals Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design]
- Expanded Threnody Rituals Interactive Sheet [With New Border Design]
[For use with Blood sorcery: Sacraments & Blasphemies]
- Covenant Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Covenant]
- VII Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each version of VII]
- Clan Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Clan]
- Bloodline Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Core Book]
- Bloodline: The Hidden Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Bloodlines: The Hidden]
- Bloodline: The Legendary Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Bloodlines: The Legendary]
- Bloodline: The Chosen Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Bloodlines: The Chosen]
- Covenant Bloodline Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the various Covenant Books]
- Belials Brood Faction Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Belials Brood Faction]
- Ancient Bloodlines Branded Expanded Rituals 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Ancient Bloodlines]
- Belials Brood Expanded Investments 2 Page Sheet
- Belials Brood Expanded Investments 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Belials Brood Faction Branded Expanded Investments 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Belials Brood Faction]
- Expanded Merits Sheet
- Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet
- Covenant Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Covenant]
- VII Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each version of VII]
- Clan Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Clan]
- Bloodline Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Core Book]
- Bloodlines: The Hidden Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Hidden]
- Bloodlines: The Legendary Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Legendary]
- Bloodlines: The Chosen Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Chosen]
- Covenant Bloodline Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the various Covenant Books]
- Belials Brood Faction Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Belials Brood Faction]
- Ghoul Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Ghoul Type]
- Ancient Bloodlines Branded Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Ancient Bloodlines]
- Extra Merits Sheet
- Interactive Extra Merits Sheet
- Covenant Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Covenant]
- VII Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each version of VII]
- Clan Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Clan]
- Bloodline Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Core Book]
- Bloodlines: The Hidden Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Hidden]
- Bloodlines: The Legendary Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Legendary]
- Bloodlines: The Chosen Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Chosen]
- Covenant Bloodline Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the various Covenant Books]
- Belials Brood Faction Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Belials Brood Faction]
- Notes 2 Page Sheet
- Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Covenant Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Covenant]
- VII Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each version of VII]
- Clan Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Clan]
- Bloodline Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the Core Book]
- Bloodlines: The Hidden Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Hidden]
- Bloodlines: The Legendary Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Legendary]
- Bloodlines: The Chosen Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Bloodlines: The Chosen]
- Covenant Bloodline Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from the various Covenant Books]
- Belials Brood Faction Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Belials Brood Faction]
- Ancient Bloodlines Branded Notes 2 Page Interactive Sheets [zip file inlcudes sheets for each Bloodline from Ancient Bloodlines]
- Daeva Bloodline: Erzsébet Branded Interactive Add-on Sheet package [zip file inlcudes all the add-on sheets, branded for Erzsébet]
- Combat Stats Sheet
[For Recording Combat Stats and Initiative Order]
- Interactive Combat Stats Sheet
[For Recording Combat Stats and Initiative Order]
- Health Score Sheet
[For keeping track of Health durring Combat]
- Interactive Health Score Sheet
[For keeping track of Health durring Combat]
- Combat Summary Chart
- City Worksheet 2-Page
- Interactive City Worksheet 2-Page
- Chronicle Summary Sheet
- Chronicle Summary Interactive Sheet
- Story WorkSheet
- Interactive Story WorkSheet
- Storyteller Quick Reference Story Sheet
- Interactive Storyteller Quick Reference Story Sheet
- 4 Box Coterie Sheet
- Interactive 4 Box Coterie Sheet
- 5 Box Coterie Sheet
- Interactive 5 Box Coterie Sheet
- Old Black & White Vampire the Requiem Sheets
[Special Thanks goes out to the people at MtA Forum at Shadownessence who helped me with this project. You know who you are.]
- Mage the Awakening 2-Page Sheet
- Mage the Awakening 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage the Awakening 4-Page Sheet
- Mage the Awakening 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage the Awakening 2-Page Sheet [With no Familiar Section]
- Mage the Awakening 2-Page Interactive Sheet [With no Familiar Section]
- Mage the Awakening: Arch Mage 5-Page Sheet
- Mage the Awakening: Arch Mage 5-Page Interactive Sheet
[For use with the MtA book Imperial Mysteries]
- Seers of the Throne 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Seers of the Throne 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage the Awakening 2-Page Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- Mage the Awakening 2-Page Interactive Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- Mage the Awakening 4-Page Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- Mage the Awakening 4-Page Interactive Sheet [With Art Deco Borders]
- Mage the Awakening 2-Page Interactive Sheet [With Matrix Borders]
- God-Machine - Mage the Awakening 2-Page Interactive Sheet
[For use with the God-Machine Chronicles]
- God-Machine - Mage the Awakening 4-Page Interactive Sheet
[For use with the God-Machine Chronicles]
- God-Machine - Mage the Awakening Breaking Points Interactive Sheet
[For use with the God-Machine Chronicles]
- Mage the Awakening 2-Page Interactive Sheet with Social and Mental Combat Stats
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- Mage the Awakening Physical, Social and Mental Combat Interactive add-on sheet
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- Mage the Awakening 3 Alone/3 Plus 1-Page Interactive Sheet
[For use with the 3 Alone/3 Plus alternate character creation rules from the NWoD book Mirrors]
- Mage the Awakening NPC 1-Page Sheet
- Mage the Awakening NPC 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage the Awakening NPC 2-Page Sheet
- Mage the Awakening NPC 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage the Awakening Astral Traveler 1-Page Interactive Sheet [For Mage 2nd ED]
- Mage the Awakening Proximi 1-Page Sheet
- Mage the Awakening Proximi 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage: Gifted 2-Page Interactive Sheet
[For use with the Mage Chroniclers Guide]
[Border created by Jason Sullivan ]
- Mage: Psychics 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage: Psychics 1-Page Interactive Sheet [With Sanity in place of Self-Control]
[For use with the Mage Chroniclers Guide]
[Border created by Jason Sullivan ]
- Mage the Awakening Familiar Sheet
- Mage the Awakening Familiar Interactive Sheet
- Mage The Awakening Spellcasting Quick Reference
Fan Created Legacies
- Fan Created Legacies Booklet
- Fan Created Legacies II Booklet
Mage Noir
Click Here to buy Mage Noir and help support this web site!
- Mage Noir 1-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage Noir 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage Noir Interactive Legacy Attainments Sheet
- Mage Noir Interactive Expanded Spells Sheet
- Mage Noir Interactive Expanded Merits Sheet
- Mage Noir Interactive Notes Sheet
Mage the Awakening Interactive Path Sheets
2-Page Path Sheets
- Acanthus
- Mastigos
- Moros
- Obrimos
- Thyrsus
4-Page Path Sheets
- Acanthus
- Mastigos
- Moros
- Obrimos
- Thyrsus
Mage the Awakening Interactive Order Sheets
2-Page Order Sheets
- The Adamantine Arrow
- The Free Council
- Guardians of the Veil
- The Mysterium
- The Silver Ladder
4-Page Order Sheets
- The Adamantine Arrow
- The Free Council
- Guardians of the Veil
- The Mysterium
- The Silver Ladder
Mage the Awakening Interactive Legacy Sheets
2-Page Legacy Sheets [From Core Book]
- Orphans of Proteus
- Perfected Adept
- Subtle Ones
- Uncrowned Kings
- Walker in Mists
- Scelesti The Accursed
- Tremere Lich
4-Page Legacy Sheets [From Core Book]
- Orphans of Proteus
- Perfected Adept
- Subtle Ones
- Uncrowned Kings
- Walker in Mists
- Scelesti The Accursed
- Tremere Lich
2-Page Legacy Sheets [From Legacies The Sublime]
- The Clavicularius
- The Daksha
- The Daoine
- The Fallen Pillar
- The House of Ariadne
- The Pygmalian Society
- The Scions of God
- The Sodality of the Tor
- The Stone Scribes
- The Threnodists
- The Transhuman Engineers
- The Cult of the Doomsday Clock
- The Fangs of Mara
4-Page Legacy Sheets [From Legacies The Sublime]
- The Clavicularius
- The Daksha
- The Daoine
- The Fallen Pillar
- The House of Ariadne
- The Pygmalian Society
- The Scions of God
- The Sodality of the Tor
- The Stone Scribes
- The Threnodists
- The Transhuman Engineers
- The Cult of the Doomsday Clock
- The Fangs of Mara
2-Page Legacy Sheets [From Legacies The Ancient]
- Dreamspeakers
- Tamers of the Cave
- Tamers of Fire
- Tamers of Rivers
- Tamers of Stone
- Tamers of Winds
- Forge Masters
- Skalds
- Sphinxes
- Thread Cutters
- Thrice-Great
- Echo Walkers
- Logophages
4-Page Legacy Sheets [From Legacies The Ancient]
- Dreamspeakers
- Tamers of the Cave
- Tamers of Fire
- Tamers of Rivers
- Tamers of Stone
- Tamers of Winds
- Forge Masters
- Skalds
- Sphinxes
- Thread Cutters
- Thrice-Great
- Echo Walkers
- Logophages
2-Page Legacy Sheets [From The Mysterium]
- Eyes of Ain Soph
- Singers in Silence
- Reality Stalker
- Unforgotten Scions
- Wraiths of Epochs
4-Page Legacy Sheets [From The Mysterium]
- Eyes of Ain Soph
- Singers in Silence
- Reality Stalker
- Unforgotten Scions
- Wraiths of Epochs
Legacy Sheets [From Shadows of Mexico]
- Dreamers of the Black Sun 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Dreamers of the Black Sun 4-Page Interactive Sheet
2-Page Legacy Sheets [From Adamantine Arrow]
(Sheets made by rpggilbert, based off my design.)
- Brotherhood of the Demon Wind
- Devourers of the Flesh
- The Awakening Gambit
4-Page Legacy Sheets [From Adamantine Arrow]
(Sheets made by rpggilbert, based off my design.)
- Brotherhood of the Demon Wind
- Devourers of the Flesh
- The Awakening Gambit
2-Page Legacy Sheets [From Free Council]
(Sheets made by rpggilbert, based off my design.)
- Blank Badges
- Cryptologos
- Imagineers
4-Page Legacy Sheets [From Free Council]
(Sheets made by rpggilbert, based off my design.)
- Blank Badges
- Cryptologos
- Imagineers
2-Page Legacy Sheets [From Guardians of the Veil]
(Sheets made by rpggilbert, based off my design.)
- Austere
- Bearers of the EternalVoice
- Eleventh Question
- Votaries of the Ordained
4-Page Legacy Sheets [From Guardians of the Veil]
(Sheets made by rpggilbert, based off my design.)
- Austere
- Bearers of the EternalVoice
- Eleventh Question
- Votaries of the Ordained
Interactive Sheets [From Banishers]
(Sheets made by rpggilbert, based off my design.)
- Banishers 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Banishers 4-Page Interactive Sheet
- Timori 2-Page Interactive Sheet
- Timori 4-Page Interactive Sheet
Mage: The Wild West
- Mage: The Wild West 2 Page Sheet
- Mage: The Wild West 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Mage: The Wild West 4 Page Sheet
- Mage: The Wild West 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Dark Ages: Mage
- Dark Ages: Mage 2 Page Sheet
- Dark Ages: Mage 2 Page Interactive Sheet
- Dark Ages: Mage 4 Page Sheet
- Dark Ages: Mage 4 Page Interactive Sheet
Mage the Awakening Add-On Sheets
- Interactive Blank Page
[Can be used to write up custom Legacies, etc.]
- Mage the Awakening Physical, Social and Mental Combat Interactive add-on sheet
[For use with the Social and Mental combat rules from the Requiem book The Danse Macabre]
- Legacy Attainments Sheet
- Interactive Legacy Attainments Sheet
- Path Branded Interactive Legacy Attainments Sheet
[Zip file contains Legacy Attainments sheets branded for each Path]
- Order Branded Interactive Legacy Attainments Sheet
[Zip file contains Legacy Attainments sheets branded for each Order]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Legacy Attainments Sheet
[Zip file contains Legacy Attainments sheets branded for each Legacy from the core book and Legacies the Sublime]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Legacy Attainments Sheet
[Zip file contains Legacy Attainments sheets branded for each Legacy from Legacies the Ancient]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Legacy Attainments Sheet
[Zip file contains Legacy Attainments sheets branded for each Legacy from The Mysterium]
- Expanded Spells 2-page Sheet
- Interactive Expanded Spells 2-page Sheet
- Path Branded Interactive Expanded Spells 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Spells sheets branded for each Path]
- Order Branded Interactive Expanded Spells 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Spells sheets branded for each Order]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Expanded Spells 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Spells sheets branded for each Legacy from the core book and Legacies The Sublime]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Expanded Spells 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Spells sheets branded for each Legacy from Legacies The Ancient]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Expanded Spells 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Spells sheets branded for each Legacy from The Mysterium]
- Expanded Merits 2-page Sheet
- Interactive Expanded Merits 2-page Sheet
- Path Branded Interactive Expanded Merits 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Merits sheets branded for each Path]
- Order Branded Interactive Expanded Merits 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Merits sheets branded for each Order]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Expanded Merits 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Merits sheets branded for each Legacy from the core book and Legacies the Sublime]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Expanded Merits 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Merits sheets branded for each Legacy from Legacies the Ancient]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Expanded Merits 2-page Sheet
[Zip file contains Expanded Merits sheets branded for each Legacy from The Mysterium]
- Extra Merits Sheet
- Interactive Extra Merits Sheet
- Path Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet
[Zip file contains Extra Merits sheets branded for each Path]
- Order Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet
[Zip file contains Extra Merits sheets branded for each Order]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet
[Zip file contains Extra Merits sheets branded for each Legacy from the core book and Legacies the Sublime]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Extra Merits Sheet
[Zip file contains Extra Merits sheets branded for each Legacy from Legacies the Ancient]
- Notes Sheet
- Interactive Notes Sheet
- Path Branded Interactive Notes Sheet
[Zip file contains Notes sheets branded for each Path]
- Order Branded Interactive Notes Sheet
[Zip file contains Notes sheets branded for each Order]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Notes Sheet
[Zip file contains Notes sheets branded for each Legacy from the core book and Legacies the Sublime]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Notes Sheet
[Zip file contains Notes sheets branded for each Legacy from Legacies the Ancient]
- Legacy Branded Interactive Notes Sheet
[Zip file contains Notes sheets branded for each Legacy from The Mysterium]
- Seers of the Throne add-on sheet Package
- Antagonist Design Worksheet [Rebuild of the sheet from the Requiem Chroniclers Guide]
- Interactive Antagonist Design Worksheet [Rebuild of the sheet from the Requiem Chroniclers Guide]
- Combat Stats Sheet
[For recording Combat Stats and Initiative Order]
- Interactive Combat Stats Sheet
[For recording Combat Stats and Initiative Order]
- Heath Score Sheet
[For keeping track of Health durring Combat]
- Interactive Heath Score Sheet
[For keeping track of Health durring Combat]
- Combat Summary Chart
- Mage the Awakening Spirit Sheet
- Interactive Mage the Awakening Spirit Sheet
- City Worksheet
- Interactive City Worksheet
- Chronicle Summary Sheet
- Interactive Chronicle Summary Sheet
- Storyteller Quick Reference Story 2 Page sheet
- Interactive Storyteller Quick Reference Story 2 Page sheet
- Story Worksheet
- Interactive Story Worksheet
- Cabal Description Sheet
- Interactive Cabal Description Sheet
- Cabal Chart 4 Box
- Cabal Chart 5 Box
Mind's Eye Theatre: Mage The Awakening
- MET sheet for Mage the Awakening
- Interactive MET sheet for Mage the Awakening
- MET sheet for Mage the Awakening [With Art Deco Borders]
- Interactive MET sheet for Mage the Awakening [With Art Deco Borders]
Old Mage the Awakening Sheets [With Demo Border]
- MtA 2-Page Sheet
- Interactive MtA 2-Page Sheet
- MtA 2-Page Sheet (Color Version)
- Interactive MtA 2-Page Sheet (Color Version)
- MtA 2-Page Sheet [OWoD Layout Style]
- Interactive MtA 2-Page Sheet [OWoD Layout Style]
- MtA 2-Page Sheet (Color Version) [OWoD Layout Style]
- Interactive MtA 2-Page Sheet (Color Version) [OWoD Layout Style]
- MtA 4-Page Sheet
- Interactive MtA 4-Page Sheet
- MtA 4-Page Sheet (Color Version)
- Interactive MtA 4-Page Sheet (Color Version)
- MtA 4-Page Sheet [OWoD Layout Style]
- Interactive MtA 4-Page Sheet [OWoD Layout Style]
- MtA 4-Page Sheet (Color Version) [OWoD Layout Style]
- Interactive MtA 4-Page Sheet (Color Version) [OWoD Layout Style]
[Special Thanks goes out to Kemuel at Shadownessence who helped me with a few add-on sheet idea's for this project.
Extra Special thanks goes out to Wood Ingham, it was his idea that Promethean needed a 2 page base sheet.]
[Special thanks to Yossarian from the Onyx Path Forums for helping me design the layout for these sheets.]
Storytelling Adventure System
Mind's Eye Theatre: New World of Darkness
[All MET character sheets are 1-page bi-folding]
Miscellaneous New World of Darkness